"Charter Fair, Stevenage" by Pat Le Mare
"Early Mist Rising, Cumbria" by Jayne Perkins PS
"Tower of Song, Edifice and Aperture - Impressions from Lesvos" by Thomas Moore
"Promise" by Fiona Carvell
"Forgotten Gate" by Andrew Barrowman PS
"The Royal Courts of Justice" by Richard Rees PPS

 126th Annual Exhibition 2025
Mall Galleries London SW1

Pastel Society | Annual Exhibition 2025

Dates and times of opening: 

Private View: Tuesday 21 January, 6pm to 9pm, official opening at 7pm

Exhibition opens: Wednesday 22 January, 10am to 5pm daily

The Pastel Society Art Event Evening

Tuesday 28 January, 6pm to 8:30pm

Exhibition closes: Saturday 8 February, 5pm

The 125th Anniversary Exhibition Guest Speaker will be: Carole Hübscher CEO of Caran d’Ache Sponsors of the Pastel Society

To view the interview with Caran d'Ache CEO Carole Hübscher https://youtu.be/8U-AipaeTRU?feature=shared

Details regarding Submissions and the exhibition can be found here: https://www.mallgalleries.org.uk/open-calls/pastel-society

Featured Artist

Matthew Draper PS

Personal Statement:

I identify myself principally as a draughtsman; drawing being the most unencumbered and immediate form of image-making. My work is made with an intense and energetic immediacy, working instinctively rather than methodically, keeping me physically and emotionally involved in the process. I crush soft pastel in my hands rubbing the dust into the paper in wide sweeps of colour gradually manipulating the material to build up a thick layered surface using the ball of my thumb or the heel of my hand.

Sponsored by Caran d'Ache

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