Richard Rees
Vice President:
Simon Hodges
Honorary Secretary:
Jenny Halstead
Moira Huntly
Membership Secretary:
Martin Goold
Publicity Secretary:
Melodie Cook
Education Secretary:
Richard Rees
Exhibitions Officer:
Peter Vincent
Sarah Bee
Cheryl Culver
Sheila Goodman
Felicity House
Susan Relph
Roy Wright
Felicity House
AGBI Steward:
Simon Klein
Website & MailChimp:
Cheryl Culver
Senior Members:
James Crittenden
Brian Dunce
Richard Marshall
Claire Spencer
Susan Dakakni
Honorary Members:
Diana Armfield
Kenneth Draper
Anthony Eyton
Andrew Hemingway
William Packer
Honorary Retired Members:
Robert Richardson
Companions of The Pastel Society:
Jack Clewer,
Ken Gofton,
Greg Ladd,
Anthony J Lester,
John Molony,
William Packer,
Patricia Patterson,
Alec Reed CBE
Angela A'Court
Tony Allain
Glenys Ambrus
Tanya Avchinikova
June Arnold
Michele Ashby
Janine Baldwin
Andrew Barrowman
Liz Balkwill
Caroline Bays
Sarah Bee
Keith Bennett
David Brammeld
Peter Brown
Melodie Cook
Cheryl Culver
Roger Dellar
Louise Diggle
Matthew Draper
Jaana Fowler
Margaret Glass
Sheila Goodman
Martin Goold
Valeriy Gridnev
Jenny Halstead
Jeannette Hayes
Simon Hodges
Jayne Hodgson
Curtis Holder
Benjamin Hope
Felicity House
Moira Huntly
Henry Jabbour
Jill Jeffrey
Simon Klein
Geoffrey Lee
Kevin Line
James Longueville
Michael Norman
Jayne Perkins
Susie Prangnell
Alexander Prowse
Ian Rawling
Richard Rees
Susan Relph
Dave Roberts
Keith Roper
Mark Rowbotham
Halla Shafey
Norman Smith
Malcolm Taylor
John Tookey
Peter Vincent
Katrina Wallis-King
Christine Watson
Roy Wright
Eiko Yoshimoto
The Pastel Society was founded in 1898, and the first exhibition was held in the Royal Institute in Piccadilly. Founder members and early exhibitors included Brangwyn, Degas, Rodin, Rothenstein, Whistler and G.F. Watts.
1870 The Société des Pastellists founded in Paris
1888 A Pastel Exhibition in London with British and French artists
1889 A Pastel Exhibition in London with British artists
1890 The Society of British Pastellists is formed
1890-91 Society ended
1898, Sept. The Pastel Society is formed. George Watts is elected President.
1898, Oct. George Watts declines Presidency but is made Hon. Member.
1899- Annual exhibitions held in Galleries of Royal Institute of Water Colour Painters
1926 Joint exhibition with The Pencil Society
1939-45 Annual exhibitions continued unlike many societies.
1970 The Society joined The Federation of British Artists at The Mall Galleries
1980’s-90’s Renaissance of Society through the enthusiasm and respected Presidents such as John Blockley and Tom Coates
1988 The Pastel Society amalgamated with the Pencil Society
At the heart of The Pastel today is that; “Membership of The Society will be granted through a strict assessment of technical skill, originality, innovation, enthusiasm and a willingness to promote the objectives and activities of The Society.”
We have added this final clause to emphasise to everyone that whilst the society must reflect and seek the highest values, this is not enough and by adding an equality statement, formalising the society as a charity that is open, friendly and yet professional.
To spread this message our website is developing, digital presence is growing and society membership is growing.
Prizes & Awards
The Tom Coates Memorial Prize
The Yoshimoto Prize
The President's Prize
The Bob Last Prize
The Anthony J Lester Art Critic Award
Caran d'Ache Award
Frank Herring Award
Henri Roche Award
Mamut Award
Schmincke Award
UART Award
Unison Member Award
Unison Non-member Award
Unison Young Artist Award
West Design Award
The Pastel Society Visitors' Choice Award
The Artist Magazine Award
The Pastel Society Catalogue Award: First Prize
The Pastel Society Catalogue Award: Second Prize